GiveBIG for Wallingford Beautification
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Historic Wallingford100% of funds raised will go towards beautifying Seattle's Wallingford neighborhood
raised by 8 people
$2,600 goal
Wallingford Beautification began last year as a joint effort between Historic Wallingford, the Wallingford Community Council, and Celebrate Wallingford with the goal of creating a vibrant, livable community and increasing engagement through the completion of neighborhood beautification projects.
After collecting responses from two community surveys, the team decided to pursue utility box beautification as their first project. To achieve the biggest impact, the team selected three highly visible boxes located near busy intersections along N 45th St at Densmore Ave, Wallingford Ave, and Meridian Ave.
It costs about $2600 to complete each box, which includes cleaning, proofing, vinyl production, wrapping, sales tax, and paying a local artist to design the artwork or paying for the rights to reproduce a historic image.
Wallingford Beautification will apply for a Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Small Sparks Grant this spring, but if awarded, it will still fall short of our total funding goal to complete all three boxes.
GiveBIG today to ensure we can transform at least one dirty, vandalized utility box into a work of art that our neighborhood can be proud of. The more donations we receive, the more beautiful and welcoming Wallingford will be!