Every Child Deserves a Quality Education

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

A Child's Notebook
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Your support is crucial and will mean we can help children in Laos get a quality education.


raised by 4 people

$500 goal

It’s GiveBig, a national campaign focused on nonprofits, and I’m raising funds for A Child’s Notebook because education is what gives every child an opportunity. I serve on the board, and in 2023 had the fortunate opportunity to travel to Laos where we are currently focused because money and resources are scarce.  

In the photo, I am participating in a Baci ceremony, an important ritual in Lao culture to celebrate important events and occasions. We are celebrating the completion of a new school that ACN funded and the local villagers built. The Baci involves tying strings around a person’s wrist to preserve good luck. 

Our model has been hugely successful because we collaborate with local communities to build new schools and dormitories, support after-school programs, and even plant gardens so students have lunch. It’d mean a lot if you could contribute. Even a small donation can help our organization reach its goal.

This fundraiser supports

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A Child's Notebook


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