A Child's Notebook

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$5,000 Goal

A Child’s Notebook (ACN) works to ensure children in Southeast Asia have access to a quality education. We recognize that education is a social equalizer that breaks down barriers to opportunity and helps children, no matter where they live, thrive. Since 2018, we have partnered closely with schools and village leaders in Laos to improve access to education by removing financial barriers to families in need through school scholarships and constructing safe and sturdy facilities like schools, dormitories, and latrine facilities. 

In the developing world, more than 80 million children have no access to primary education. Almost one billion adults are illiterate, with no real prospects for improving their lives or those of their children. Lack of access to education worsens already staggering income gaps, and illiteracy increases the number of people who live in debilitating poverty.

Poverty and education are two of the most important factors that determine a child’s future, and in rural villages of Laos and neighboring countries, resources are especially limited. Often, teachers must supplement their education by farming, which leaves just a few hours each day for teaching. Schools struggle to keep kids in school, let alone focused on learning. Buildings often have leaky roofs, holes in the walls, dirt floors, missing doors and windows, and no sanitation or water facilities. Many children miss classes due to the illness and lack of sanitation that arise from the unsafe conditions of their school and dorm buildings. Some students have to travel great distances on foot to even attend school. Even when education is seen as a high priority by the government, many of the most remote villages will never receive adequate funding without outside help.

Despite scarce money and resources, parents and village elders understand that education can create better lives for their children. They willingly invest their labor and skills in our shared effort to help their children complete school. Through partnerships with local villages, A Child’s Notebook funds projects that matter to residents, expanding opportunities for entire generations. Our process of active listening and continual evaluation has led to us not only funding the construction of latrines, dormitories, and school buildings but also creating lasting programs to help children stay in school. These programs include food security, teacher support, after-school care, scholarships, and much more based on the needs of each individual district.

During GiveBIG, every dollar raised through our event site, up to a total of $5000, will be matched by a generous donor. Those 10,000 dollars are enough to help fund a safe dormitory for students. Please donate today, and help A Child's Notebook provide safe and accessible education for children in rural Laos. 

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In-Person Event

Baci Gratitude Gathering

Bell Harbor International Conference Center

October 5, 2025

Organization Data


Organization name

A Child's Notebook

Tax id (EIN)



International & Foreign Affairs


Youth & Children


3518 FREMONT AVE N 377

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