A Child's Notebook - Alexis' Fundraiser

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

A Child's Notebook
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Every dollar can help make a difference. Lets raise some money to support education in Laos!


raised by 6 people

$500 goal

In 2022, I was asked by a family friend to volunteer at a charity auction. They were on the board of a non-profit called A Child's Notebook, and due to some last minute changes the organization was in need of an extra hand. I attended the event knowing little about what the organization did. I was aware that they assisted with education in Southeast Asia, but not much else. After sitting in on the auction and hearing many guest speakers, I fell in love with A Child's Notebook and their mission. 

A Child's Notebook strives to provide safe and accessible education in rural Laos, where resources are scarce and many are living in poverty. ACN works with locals to not just build schools, but keep them sustained. They offer funding for projects such as starting a school garden, so schools can teach life skills and feed the children lunch, offering better sanitation / clean water, so children have a safe environment and girls can continue their education after menstruation begins, and offering scholarships, so students who otherwise could not afford school have the opportunity to attend.

As a teacher, I am inspired by the educators in Laos, who work for free in order to give children a much needed education. It brings me happiness to see that A Child's Notebook understands how hard these teachers work and provides them with the monetary support they need in order to focus on the children they wish to support. This is one of my personal favorite projects that ACN supports. While I know A Child's Notebook has many other projects I have not even mentioned, I know how hard it is to be a teacher, so this project has a special place in my heart. 

After that first fundraiser I attended of A Child's Notebook, I got closer with the organization and many of the board members. Realizing their commitment and love for ACN inspired me to get more involved. I have now been working with the organization for two years with no plans to stop. 

Help me during GiveBIG to reach my goal of raising $500 for A Child's Notebook. Every donation made through the event, up to $5,000, will be matched by a generous donor. 


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