Help Support our Seniors

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

SouthEast Seattle Senior Center
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Help keep the SESCC a fun & vibrant community center. Our 1st Paint & Sip fundraiser was a big hit!

8 donors

raised $1,100

20 donor goal


Hi friends, can you help keep our senior center stay vibrant & open! As many of you know, I have been a board member of this amazing place for 8 years and am now co-chairing the fundraising committee. We have an amazing, dedicated staff and a great bunch of volunteers, here we all are on Thanksgiving Day, where we worked to provide a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for our seniors, it was our first such event and we will be doing it again this year.

We run on a shoestring, so if you can pitch in during Give Big, to help make our match we will be so grateful.

As always, we need to raise money for our ongoing food insecurity program, which includes subsidized in-house lunches and daily lunch deliveries to over one hundred seniors, as well as buying new equipment like an HVAC system!

 As well as providing much needed health & social services, life enrichment activities like, art classes, Spanish, chair volleyball, keep fit, birthday lunches, movies and of course Rainbow Bingo!

Many seniors live alone and are low income & rely on the Center for friendship, education, social interaction, and fun. We believe that when we help our community live full lives, our own joy and fulfillment increases. We hope you do, too, and that you will help us with our mission.

This fundraiser supports

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SouthEast Seattle Senior Center

Organized By Serena Heslop

Giving Activity


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