2024 GiveBIG

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

New Horizon School
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Community fundraising enables NHS to continue to deliver quality educational outcomes for students.


raised by 0 people

$14,000 goal

At New Horizon School (NHS), we believe in the transformative power of education. Our mission is to provide a specialized learning community for students facing various challenges. But we cannot do it alone. Support our Give Big Campaign to help us create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can flourish. We serve grades 4 to 12, with support extending beyond graduation. 

At NHS, we foster acceptance, opportunity, and achievement to meet our students' unique needs. Your donation will directly contribute to creating opportunities for our students, enabling them to explore their interests, gain valuable experiences, and shape their future paths. With your help, we can provide educators with the tools and resources needed to meet each student's needs. Join us in making a difference. Your generosity will change lives and contribute to a brighter, more inclusive future. Donate to our Give Big Campaign and be part of their remarkable journey.


 “Where Children Come First”

 A New Beginning…

Every day New Horizon School (NHS) is making education accessible to Pacific Northwest students with learning disabilities, attention deficits and other learning differences. Located in Renton, NHS serves grades 4-12 and meets student’s needs by fostering an environment of acceptance, opportunity, and achievement.

Our Cornerstones:
ACCEPTANCE comes from students knowing that the staff, faculty and other students welcome them right where they are. Each student is recognized for their individual academic, social and emotional growth and celebrated.

OPPORTUNITY defines one of our core beliefs. Create an environment where students can be successful and each student will achieve that level of success. Each student has the chance to try out different interests and fully experiment with different types of activities giving them ideas for their choice of career or lifelong hobbies.

ACHIEVEMENT is the pride a student feels when his or her grades reflect their hard work at an appropriate level. Each student learns to see themselves as successful and capable. They begin to recognize their unique abilities to learn.


  • Teaching is a calling.
  • All staff & faculty are responsible for all students.
  • NHS teachers engage in outstanding and effective instructional practices.
  • Members of the NHS community advocate for the best educational interests and rights of students.
  • Members of the NHS community maintain high expectations for students
  • Families play a vital role in their student’s educational process.
  • Community involvement is essential to the success of the school and its students.
  • A safe and nurturing learning environment is essential.
  • Firm, fair, consistent, and positive discipline is essential.
  • The opportunity to develop both academic and non-academic skills and abilities is essential.
  • Access to mental health or counseling services is essential.


New Horizon School strives to create connections between students, families, and the school so that students can maximize their learning potential.  We are cognizant of racism, bias patterns, social inequalities, and oppression, and we are committed to understanding and interrupting any patterns, whether conscious or unconscious, that result in disparities in academic achievement, most notably for marginalized groups.  We embrace policies, processes, and practices that uphold inclusion.  Together we nurture a diverse, equitable, and inclusive school culture that values and celebrates the differences brought by our community members. Collectively we work to clarify New Horizon School’s responsibility for advancing acceptance, opportunity, and achievement for all students.

This fundraiser supports

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New Horizon School

Organized By Fundraising Committee Chairman

Use of Funds

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