Malnourished Puppies are Fighting for Their Lives

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Saving Great Animals
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We recently received 7 severely malnourished Chihuahua puppies, all with parvo. We need your support


raised by 173 people

$20,000 goal

Update #1

Update posted 1 month ago
We have received estimated costs for all six puppies receiving emergency care. Thanks to substantial discounts from VEG, the total estimated cost for all of the Chihuahua puppies is $20,000. 

On Sunday we received 7 Chihuahua puppies who were surrendered to us by their owner. 

The puppies are only 8 weeks old and are extremely malnourished because the owner could not afford to feed them. All of these little ones looked sickly and weak. When they arrived they were pooping out corn kernels since that apparently was the only food they had had access to.

Last night, one puppy, Biscotti,  became very ill and tested positive for Parvo, a very serious illness that destroys the intestines. Sadly Biscotti passed away shortly after arriving in the ER. Her 6 siblings are now also showing signs of illness and were taken to the ER this morning. Three pups are at VEG in Seattle and the other three at VEG in Lynnwood. Our amazing ER vet partners are doing everything they can for them. We are sourcing a very new treatment for them that came on the market not too long ago. It is a monoclonal antibody treatment for Parvo and if it can be given to puppies before they get too sick, they have a better chance of survival. The problem is that this treatment, called CPMA, costs about $1000 per dose. With 6 puppies in the hospital, who need round the clock hospital care, you can imagine that this will hit our finances hard. 

We want these puppies to have a chance to survive. They are so tiny (only 3 lbs each) and so sick. They deserve so much better than what they have experienced so far. Please help us save their lives. 

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