Support: Flowers on Front

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Downtown Issaquah Association
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Donate to Keep Downtown Issaquah Blooming. Flowers on Front™ Brings Glorious Color to Olde Town!


raised by 21 people

$30,000 goal

3 months left

Your donations will continue the tradition of Flowers on Front -- bringing glorious color to Downtown Issaquah. With your generosity, the locally grown flower baskets will adorn the charming streets of Olde Town from May through the end of September.  Volunteers spend hours hanging and maintaining over 100 baskets, each costing $300. Donations can be made “In Honor of…”, Mother’s Day, or just because. Families travel from all over the Eastside to view the gorgeous, blossoming spectacle.

#GiveBig2021 #GiveBIG #GiveBIGWA #issaquahwa

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