GiveBIG for 24 New Green Bag Neighborhoods
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Clark Neighbors Food ProjectWe make it easy for neighbors/friends to donate food to Clark County food pantries 6 times a year.
raised by 34 people
$2,400 goal
Our fundraising goal for 2024 is $2400. We want to add 24 new neighborhood coordinators in the next year. If one neighborhood coordinator recruits 20 food donors, it costs ~$100 for bags and other supplies. 24 new neighborhoods could generate an average additional 24,000 pounds of food donated each year.
The Clark Neighbors Food Project is an innovative, grassroots, 100% volunteer-run local nonprofit that organizes a network of volunteer Neighborhood Coordinators who collect food donations bi-monthly in their neighborhoods and take the food to local food pantries and school family resource centers, who then distribute the food to local individuals and families in need.
Clark Neighbor’s Food Project (aka "The Green Bag Project") was started in Clark County in 2017 by Truman neighborhood residents. The goal was to create connection among neighbors and reduce food insecurity by making it easy for people to share food with neighbors in need.
The Green Bag Project is growing beyond our expectations!
Every two months, our volunteers collect over 20,000 pounds of toiletries and nutritious nonperishable foods to distribute to local food pantries for neighbors in need. To date, we have collected over 500,000 pounds of food for local food pantries.
Want to become a food donor or neighborhood coordinator? Sign up at