Give Big 2022!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Three Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited
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Join us in our work to protect and conserve the coldwater fisheries here in the Puget Sound area.


raised by 37 people

$3,000 goal

The Three Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited's main focus is conservation. We have the long game in mind because we want to insure that future generations can enjoy rivers and lakes like we do, only better. We work hard to undo the damage that has been done to local coldwater streams, rivers, and lakes by generations of neglect and environmental degradation. 

One of our hallmark projects is to restore nearly extinct runs of Kokanee Salmon in Lake Sammamish.  We work with regional and national governmental agencies to understand the current run size and work to improve spawning opportunities in the small urban creeks that terminate in Lake Sammamish. 

We also support important work being done by Dr. Jeff Jensen of UW-Bothell to track native kokanee and help restore them to their historic spawning grounds and numbers. 

Our chapter holds several large outreach events each year including a Cedar River Cleanup - an important restoration and clean up event that works to protect an important urban river that runs through downtown Renton, WA. 

In addition to the conservation efforts, our group has fun! We teach people, young and old, how to fly fish at events throughout the year. We also participate in Project Healing Waters because we know that the water brings solace, serenity, and healing to those who most need it. 

We believe in the importance of diversity, inclusivity, and equity in outdoor spaces. In 2021, the Three Rivers Chapter signed on as a major sponsor for the All in the Water Film Project which focuses on the many diverse people who are creating space for everyone in the water and in the outdoors.

As one of the largest chapters of Trout Unlimited nationally, we take our work seriously and we hope you'll join us in working to protect coldwater fisheries and the species who depend on them.

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