Zero Waste Washington

A nonprofit organization



Zero Waste Washington drives policy change for a healthy and waste-free world. We envision a just, equitable, and sustainable future where we all produce, consume, and reuse responsibly. 

What we do…

 We work to make trash obsolete using three strategies:

  • Help pass laws
  • Conduct research
  • Do pilot projects

Our Focus Areas…

Promoting Producer Responsibility

We promote producer responsibility to address difficult-to-handle materials like electronics, holding manufacturers responsible for providing and paying for appropriate recycling, reduction or disposal. 

Reducing Plastic Pollution

We work to reduce plastic pollution in our waterways and compost, including microplastics. We especially focus on decreasing single-use plastic items such as thin-film plastic bags and plastic foodware.     

Encouraging Reuse, Repair and Sharing

We facilitate and support a culture of reuse, repair, repurpose, rental and sharing through community projects. We promote a repair economy for Washington, including tool libraries, fix-it fairs, and support for local shops. 

Removing Toxic Chemicals

We strive to get toxic chemicals out of products. These include plasticizers (phthalates) and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often found in in food serviceware and flame retardants. 

Promoting Redesign

We promote product redesign, especially for packaging, to prevent waste. We advocate for a circular-economy to conserve resources and support reuse of materials.   We host business accelerators to spur innovation in Washington.  

Driving the Market and Reducing Contamination

We help drive the market for recyclable and compostable materials. We aim for waste reduction, then beneficial use of materials, and then recycling and composting for the rest.  

Highlights of the 2024 Legislative Session! 

In this short, but busy, 2024 legislative session, we helped pass six bills that will reduce waste, prevent climate-changing emissions, and protect public health. We are grateful to our wonderful legislative champions and many partners. A mercury lighting bill will phase out hazardous mercury-containing fluorescent light bulbs by 2029, while extending Washington’s stewardship program for recycling, and driving the use of more energy efficient LED bulbs. Another big bill addresses food waste by increasing food donations from grocery stores and restaurants to food banks and increasing composting. We also helped pass a cannabis waste bill, making it possible for cannabis producers to sell their non-hazardous green waste as compost, hempcrete and other products, rather than landfilling. Other successful zero-waste related bills included banning lead in cookware, preventing illegal dumping, and addressing toxic 6-ppd in tires (a chemical that is killing coho salmon in our creeks before they can lay their eggs).

Our Story… 

In 1978, a group gathered to advocate for a Washington State “bottle bill.” The initiative failed, but they persevered and formed a nonprofit to tackle the broader issues of waste reduction and recycling in Washington State.   

Over 40 years, our organization has worked with many partners for passage of cutting-edge legislation to improve our solid waste system, reduce toxic chemicals, and make it easier for residents and businesses to reduce the extraction of resources from our planet, lessen climate change impacts, and support environmental equity.  


Zero Waste Washington would like to acknowledge the generous support of our board and our members and donors for a zero waste future. Thank you to our wonderful anonymous donor for providing GiveBIG match. We are deeply grateful to have you all by our side.

Organization Data


Organization name

Zero Waste Washington

Tax id (EIN)





PO Box 84817
Seattle, WA 98124

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