Save Our wild Salmon Coalition

A nonprofit organization

$30,770 raised by 109 donors

100% complete

$30,000 Goal


Save Our wild Salmon strives to protect and restore self-sustaining, abundant, and harvestable populations of salmon and steelhead to the waters of the Pacific Salmon states for the benefit of freshwater and marine ecosystems, and Northwest communities and ways of life.


Founded in 1991, Save Our wild Salmon Coalition (SOS) is a coalition of Northwest and national conservation organizations, commercial and sportfishing associations, businesses, clean energy and orca advocates, and river groups. SOS works by advocating for the needs of native fish and their waters, and by educating, inspiring, and mobilizing the public on behalf of the habitat needs of salmon.

SOS is running an historic campaign to restore a free flowing lower Snake River in the Columbia Basin by removing its four costly federal dams. This is our nation's greatest river and salmon restoration opportunity.

Removing these dams will restore 140 miles of mainstem river in southeast Washington State and reconnect endangered wild salmon and steelhead with more than 5,500 miles of protected, pristine rivers and stream habitat upstream. Restoring healthy, abundant Chinook salmon is also critical for the survival and recovery of Southern Resident orcas facing extinction.

SOS leads our coalition member organizations, strategic allies, and citizen supporters - like you! - in coordinated legal, policy, communications, and community organizing activities that are steadily building the public demand and political leadership needed to restore this historic river and salmon abundance while investing in Northwest communities and economies.

Your generous support today will help us seize a critical moment of opportunity in 2024 and help advance our efforts to support the leadership of Northwest Tribes, educate and mobilize citizens, collaborate with regional stakeholders, and engage policymakers to develop and support effective, durable solutions. Working together, we can recover endangered salmon and orcas and ensure vibrant and prosperous communities.

Thank you for your support! Please contact us to get more involved:

Organization Data


Organization name

Save Our wild Salmon Coalition

Tax id (EIN)





811 1st Ave, Ste 305
Seattle, WA 98104

Service areas




Seattle, WA, US



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