Health Care for All Education Fund

A nonprofit organization


Do you worry about how you are going to pay for healthcare? Or losing a job and losing your health insurance? What if you didn't need to? Health Care for All Washington works to change the "What if" by supporting a single-payer, universal healthcare system that covers quality, comprehensive, affordable healthcare for all residents, with costs administered by a single publicly funded system. Our Education Fund provides resources to inform and teach the public and policy makers about single payer.


Health Care For All-Ed Fund is a tax-deductible 501(c)3 organization, affiliated with HCFA-WA. We are Washington's oldest organization working for single-payer, universal healthcare. We have, through research, outreach and education, earned the support of thousands of individuals and allied organizations, and hundreds of endorsements for our mission.

The HCFA-WA Ed Fund invests in quality research, disseminates reports, trains speakers and volunteers, gives policy makers tools, and inspiration for citizens to engage in change.

Because change is needed. We can't wait. The COVID-19 crisis is a deafening wake-up call to our current health care system flaws. Fear of the cost initially prevented people from getting tested. Those who sought treatment for COVID-19 faced horrendous bills, and many people never sought testing or treatment worried they could not cover expenses.

HCFA-WA cares about the individuals suffering from a lack of health care; about those whose lives have been destabilized and upended by health crises; and how this is all profoundly unfair, unequal, and unsafe. HCFA-WA talks about change, and through our Education Fund, we make change.

If you want to change our healthcare system, join us. GiveBIG. Give to Health Care For All Ed Fund.


Does your company match contributions? Many employers in our region offer matching gifts - donations companies make to match their employees GiveBIG donations. Employees can apply through their employers' matching gift program. When you "check out" of GiveBIG, you indicate if you work for a company that provides matching funds. 501 Commons, which runs GiveBIG, will email you directly to remind you to notify your company's gift program of their donation.

Organization Data


Organization name

Health Care for All Education Fund

Tax id (EIN)





PO Box 30506
Seattle, WA 98113


206 290 4916

Social Media