Villa Comunitaria

A nonprofit organization

13% complete

$25,000 Goal

Villa Comunitaria Reduces Barriers of Inequity faced by our Latine Immigrant Community:

Through our innovative, culturally relevant programs, we cultivate leadership and strengthen families in Seattle and South King County.

GiveBIG 2024 is centered in our work to empower working adults in their pursuit of economic mobility. Latine immigrants face barriers including the challenges of stigma, language barriers, and immigration-related stress or status due to fear of deportation. These challenges compound and prevent many from accessing higher education and better paying jobs. The COVID-19 pandemic has made this even more challenging, with many families needing to prioritize debt repayment instead of investing in their future goals and financial dreams.

This campaign includes:

1. Financial Assistance for Outstanding Rental and/or Utility Debt

2. Resources to Secure, Maintain and Access Employment

   - CPR certification for childcare professionals

   - Adult Digital Literacy Courses

   - Adult English Courses

Your gift to Villa Comunitaria invests in working adults being able to start and continue to access better paying jobs, secure financial stability for themselves and their families and continue to build and generate generational wealth.

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Mission: Cultivating leaders to create a stronger community

Vision: We envision a community where all families thrive and participate.

Diversity, social justice, equity and inclusion are core values of Villa Comunitaria, our programming and services we provide. As one of few Latine led organizations in the region, we recognize the unique position and responsibility that we have to empower and serve families in our community.

Organization Data


Organization name

Villa Comunitaria

Tax id (EIN)



Community & Economic Improvement


Hispanic & Latinx


8201 10th Ave S Suite #8
Seattle, WA 98108

Service areas

Seattle, WA, US

King County, WA, US



Social Media