Art is a journey for everyone.
This is a simple statement; however, it is one that we take seriously at Tacoma Photo Center. We work to provide our local and world community with arts education and a safe space to create. We do so by breaking down as many barriers to participating in the arts as possible, whether economic, resource, or knowledge/technical barriers. Tacoma Photo Center, by design, is a community hub of the arts.
We are reconnecting people with their inner artists. We provide a low to no-cost structure for materials, instruction, and collaboration with industry professionals so our community can access the arts easily.
We started Tacoma Photo Center because we recognized a need in our community. We do this because access to facilities for film photography and creating art is always in short supply. Tacoma and the surrounding area need creative resources for our youth through the elder populous. Each day, photographic labs close, including those found in higher education institutions, but the want and need in the community to create and learn is ever-growing. We work to fill that gap for our community and to make it accessible to those that are in need.
And contributions to our organization go directly into the hands of our students and community.
While we do offer services, and all services have an attributed cost, that structure is pay what you can, and we will always help an individual who wants to learn and create, but finances are an issue for them.
Anyone who walks through our doors can find resources and facilities to help themselves learn and further their skills in an artistic medium of their choosing. We emphasize instruction and resources in film (analog) photography, digital photography, and movie-making or film production. We are incredibly open to any art practiced and learned in our space. Many local artists teach workshops or practice their craft in our area. Classes and space utilization all come with a recommended donation to cover our costs. However, no one will be turned away from learning or practicing art in our space for financial reasons. We want our community to know how to create art that reflects themselves and their neighborhoods.
We serve our community. Our outreach is for learners and artists of any age. A creative outlet is integral to people throughout their lives, and many children and high school-aged people are missing that component in their education. People older than high school may have had some experience with the arts when they were younger but have drifted away from being creative due to monetary, resource, or time issues. Lastly, some people may need that community space to talk and collaborate with other artists and feel supported. Tacoma Photo Center provides these types of things, and everyone is welcome.
We also are a place of safety for people to express themselves. Our center fosters a welcoming environment and creates unity while learning about the arts. Anyone disparaging someone's race, gender, or sexual orientation would violate our community agreements.
Along with our work in the immediate community, we always look for new ways to reach a larger, even world, community. We plan to launch online tutorials that we will make available to the public at no cost to them.