We impact our community by creating positive opportunities for healthy aging through social engagement, physical well-being, civic involvement and lifelong learning.
SPSC is located in the South Park Neighborhood Center, in the heart of South Park where we provide services in a historic brick fire station. SPSC works to support seniors, and those living with disabilities, as they explore healthy and active lives. Our participants are primarily of Asian descent, many are navigating language and cultural barriers, and most are living at, or below, the poverty line.
SPSC is a vibrant place for community to gather, friends to be made, and culture to be celebrated. Our Seniors gather (outside of pandemic conditions) to enjoy homemade meals, singing, dancing, exercise classes, education and learning opportunities, and specialized programming. As many of our Seniors are living vulnerable lives, SPSC is also a place they can receive social service supports and resources.
SPSC partners with, and is funded by, King County and the City of Seattle as we work together to meet the needs of our community. SPSC has many affiliations and partnerships within the human services and non-profit sectors as we collaborate to bridge gaps in services, meet overlooked needs with the community, and grow aspects of equity and inclusion.