Organization name
Somali Family Safety Task Force
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Human Services
Immigrants & Refugees, Black & African American
Po box 18611Seattle, WA 98118, WA 98118
To empower immigrant and refugee women and their families by providing culturally appropriate services that embody the core values of our community.
SFSTF is a nonprofit community-based-organization located in the NewHolly neighborhood of Seattle and in Tukwila WA. We serve refugee and immigrant women and their families and provide culturally appropriate programs, workshops and events. The Task Force is a BIPOC community driven and led organization which allows us to create programs that address culturally specific needs. Programs range from computer literacy training, youth development, and food justice, to combating and preventing gender-based-violence. We pride ourselves on being an organization by-and-for our community.
Our focus for this year's Giving Tuesday campaign is to support our Intergenerational Education programs for women and their families throughout the life span. Refugee and immigrant families often live in multi-generational, low-income households where English is not their native language. SFSTF encourages life long learning beginning with our parent and child literacy workshops, homework help afterschool, mentoring for teens, and culturally informed educational opportunities for women and seniors. We aim to empower and uplift our families with various programs, many of which are now offerred in a hybrid of in-person and online to increase our capcity and outreach.
By donating, your gift will allow us to provide many of the resources our youth have expressed a need for such as computers, along with covering costs for our youth programs. This year we are also increasing our efforts to support the women in the community. During the pandemic, there was a noticeable rise in the number of domestic violence survivors coming forward and seeking our advocacy and other services. We are hoping that with additional funds we can expand the support we give to the increasing number of survivors, and provide them the education and resources they need.
We are stronger together and cannot do this alone, we need the support of our community and supporters like YOU!
We would like to recognize the Seattle Foundation, United Way of King County, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Seattle Public Library, Seattle Public Schools, Seattle Housing Authority, and Washington State Department of Commerce in supporting our community and organization.
Organization name
Somali Family Safety Task Force
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Human Services
Immigrants & Refugees, Black & African American
Po box 18611