Organization name
The Seattle Public Library Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
1000 4th AveSeattle, WA 98104
Seattle, WA, US
For people who value libraries, the Foundation offers a way to make a gift to the library that directly supports books and e-materials, free education programs, and equity initiatives above and beyond what public funding supports. Our mission is to inspire the community's philanthropic support, advocacy for, and pride in the Library.
Supporters of The Seattle Public Library Foundation help make more than 45 library programs and initiatives available for our neighbors. Each year, the Foundation awards more than $5 million in grants to enhance library services above and beyond what taxpayer support covers.
Here's a sample of the impact you can have:
COLLECTIONS: Gifts from donors fund about 1 in 3 books purchased by the library, including traditional and electronic books.
EDUCATION PROGRAMS: Gifts support major education programs like Summer of Learning, Homework Help, the Global Reading Challenge, and other programs that reach thousands of kids and family members every month.
ENRICHMENT: From Author Events to the Bookmobile to Arts Programs, donors sponsor programs that provide free access to services that enrich our community.
TECHNOLOGY: Whether it's online classes to learn new computer skills or access to Wi-Fi Hotspots, the Foundation supports programs to increase digital equity and reduce barriers to access.
SEATTLE CULTURE & HISTORY: Donor support enhances the Special Collections through acquisition and preservation of materials, capturing Seattle's unique history forever.
BOOKS UNBANNED: Designed to support teens across the country who face book bans and censorship, this new program provides teens with free access to The Seattle Public Library’s electronic collection. Supported by private contributions, Books Unbanned combats the increasingly coordinated national effort to restrict intellectual freedom and the right to read.
The library serves everyone - all ages, all interests, all backgrounds. Thank you for helping to keep our library strong!
The Foundation is pleased to acknowledge our anonymous donors and board members who have contributed to our challenge grant pool! We are grateful for their leadership and commitment.
Organization name
The Seattle Public Library Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
1000 4th AveSeattle, WA, US