Northwest Progressive Institute


The Northwest Progressive Institute was founded on August 22nd, 2003 to raise America's quality of life through insightful research and imaginative advocacy. We believe in an America that is strong, free, and inclusive… an America governed by laws based on the values of empathy and mutual responsibility.


Headquartered in Redmond, Washington, the Northwest Progressive Institute (NPI) is organized under the laws of the Evergreen State as a nonprofit corporation and federally recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) social welfare organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

The two words that describe NPI best are strategy center, because identifying and implementing strategies for transforming worthy ideas into laws is the most important purpose for which we are organized. Behind every legislative accomplishment is a story and a strategy. Bills and ballot measures that raise everyone's quality of life don't pass by accident. Worthy ideas need sound strategies if they are to become a reality. At NPI, we believe research is the key to identifying winning strategies, while advocacy is the key to implementing them. That's why we're engaged in both.

NPI provides the Pacific Northwest with credible, accurate, independent research polling and useful advocacy tools developed in-house, like our Statehouse Bill Tracker.

NPI, defined

North·west (nawrth-west; Naut. nawr-west)
-noun: the northwestern part of the United States, especially Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

Pro·gres·sive (pruh-gres-iv)
-adjective: favoring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are.

In·sti·tute (in-sti-toot, -tyoot)
-noun: a society or organization for carrying on a particular work, like advancing the common good and expanding freedom.

Organization Data


Organization name

Northwest Progressive Institute

Tax id (EIN)



Legal, Social Action & Advocacy


PO Box 264
Redmond, WA 98073

Service areas






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